Wednesday 21 May 2014

West Pennine Jelly Network Group

What is Jelly
Jelly is an informal co-working event where freelancers, home workers and small/micro business owners bring their laptop or other work and work, chat and collaborate with other small business owners.

The ethos of Jelly is to be accessible to all so the venue, wifi and parking are provided FREE of charge, with small charges made for food and drink.
Co-working means meeting up with like-minded people to work together in a different environment, to exchange help and advice, and maybe come up with a new idea to collaborate on.

Jelly differs from networking in that the aim is not to find new clients or to sell yourself or your business.
How did Jelly evolve?

Jelly was established in 2006 when two New York freelancers were talking about a major drawback of working alone; namely the lack of company. They decided to invite a group of freelancers to bring their laptops and work together in their apartment for the day, and called it Jelly as they were eating Jelly beans at the time!

A wiki page followed shortly thereafter as news of Jelly spread and it is still used heavily by most Jelly organisers to promote their events held around the world.

Jelly started in the UK in the autumn of 2009 when Lee Cottier set up events in the Bristol area. Judy Heminsley was also a pioneer Jelly organiser, and the Jelly section of her website has been used by many of the 50 plus groups now meeting regularly from Edinburgh to Plymouth and North Wales to Norwich.
Welcome to West Pennine Jelly Networking Group ….. With we hope a difference!

A WARM WELCOME to everyone from The West Pennine Jelly website – where you can find out more about the co-working phenomenon that is Jelly, find out where and when the next Jelly event is.

Our aim – to bring home workers, freelancers, small business owners and entrepreneurs together in a relaxed, informal, working environment to maximise creativity and minimise the isolation that being your own boss can bring!

No fee’s, no membership, no speakers! Telling you how to run your business ………. Now that’s something NEW from a networking group
Would you like to come along: then book your place it's free:

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