Monday 8 December 2014


Well what is happening in Rossendale ....?

As you are all aware we have commented many times here on the Valley At Work networking community and the Rossendale Awards.

Once one of the best networking groups in the region, it's membership was based on small individual business's from within the Rossendale Valley and had a small yet dedicated group who organised events. Yes it had it's problems a cliché which helped to serve a small number of people mainly those on the committee who's own business's profited from other members.

The annual awards ceremony although small was a reflection of local business and talent, and people like Lisa Spann dedicated hours of time and effort along with other members, David Gould, Amanda MacDougall and of course Catherine Murphy. So what has happened and were is Valley At Work today ..?

High jacked by a chairman and his wife who have surrounded themselves with a  group of friends who are self serving and promoting their own individual interests for profit and celebrity status whilst the group has seen all of it's founders walk away or pushed out, depending on your view point.

Remove the layers of hype, and you'll see the reality of a failed enterprise who no longer serve the original ethos, a membership that contrary to what they would have people believe has diminished to the point were meetings are cancelled because no one wants to attend, an awards ceremony dominated not by the small enterprises of the region but a few large companies, courted by the chairman and his band of merry followers to serve their own ego's.

The annual awards event moved from St Mary's in the heart of Rawtenstall and the heart of the business region to suite a bloated ego and emaciate the numbers of people interested.

It's time the business community found a voice again, one which reflects the valley and gives true recognition to small local enterprises and returns to St Mary's.

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