Thursday 14 March 2013

When representatives of a Rossendale-based food bank went along to speak to a group of Brownies in Haslingden, little did they expect to receive a donation
that would cause a stir.

The RAFT Foundation, which provides a food bank service to those in financial difficulty in Rossendale, went along to speak to St. Peter's Brownies in Haslingden about the valuable work that they carry out.
Kate Crane, Chair of the RAFT Foundation, said: "We often give talks to local organisations interested in hearing about or supporting our work. Recently we spent the evening with a local pack of brownies. Almost 30 girls played games relating to poverty and food parcels. They thought about how changes in circumstances, such as the loss of a job, have a huge impact on a family. Items which the girls take for granted in their lives would be non-existent. Treats such as cinema trips, pocket money, internet and cable TV would vanish. They worked out the dilemmas facing people in financial crisis and how priorities have to change."
Following the session, one of the girls approached Kate and presented her with the contents of her pocket - 2p, a trolley token with a smiley face and a plastic pen. "Please can you sell these to help the people who need food?" the Brownie asked.  Kate explained that she didn't need to donate her special possessions and that her understanding that there were people who needed food was enough, but she insisted, saying: "I know they're mine but I want you to take them and sell them". She would not take no for an answer.
Fast-forward a few days and those very items appeared on eBay to be sold to raise funds for the RAFT Foundation. When Kate posted the items, she could not have predicted the interest that they would generate.  At the time of writing, the price bid for these items stands at £32!
Kate posted the eBay listing details on the RAFT Foundation's Facebook page, which resulted in the girl's dad revealing who had made the donation. The generous Brownie is Lucy Whitham, who said: "I like giving to charity and also like helping other people." Dad Adam said: "I have no idea why those items were in her pocket that night! I do remember Lucy once having a homework from school which was what would you do if you won the lottery. Lucy wrote in her book "Send a plane to Africa with food because the people haven't had any food there"."
Lucy Whitham
Kind-hearted Brownie Lucy Whitham
I think we may be hearing more from this little girl in the future.
You can keep an eye on the bidding for these items, and bid yourself, by viewing the listing on eBay.

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